Scanning books on demand

Demands ordering

1) Check if book really is NOT online

Please check that demanded book is not already available within our licensed electronic information resources. At least try to search for it using discovery service.

2) Check if book is in our library

At the MUNI library catalogue please also check that demanded book is available for loans. We can't scan a book that we can't pick up.

3) Send your demand by e-mail

To the address mail us your demand. Do not forget to include:

​ your name and personal university number (UČO)
call number (!) of the book plus title and author​
your reasons if the request is urgent​

We prioritize requests from teachers who need the book for teaching and students who need the book to complete their thesis.​

​Demands handling

As soon as the demanded book is scanned we'll put it to the E-loans service and let you know by e-mail.​

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