
The e-loan service allows you to view more than 13,000 scanned titles on any device.

The e-loan is a service enabling current students and employees of Masaryk University to view digitized study literature from all faculty libraries. This service does not allow users to download or save books. In order to view a book in the e-loan, it must first be borrowed electronically.

  • Each book can only be borrowed electronically as many times as the number of free physical copies of the book available in the university libraries.
  • Borrowing is done on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • A user can have only one e-book borrowed at a time and the maximum borrowing time is 4 hours.
  • Once studying in the e-loan is finished, the book must be returned so that it can be immediately available to other users.
  • The e-loan service only allows you to view selected book pages on screen and does not offer any other functions such as making reservations, borrowing, copying or saving.

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